On Today’s Show

By: Dave Palmer


CK Mornings

➢ A few guys in Riverside, California shoplifted from a Target on Friday.  And as they were running away from the scene, one of them got tackled in the parking lot . . . by SANTA.  And his elf held the other guy at gunpoint.

It turns out Santa and the elf were undercover cops who were working at the Target, keeping an eye out for shoplifters.

There was one other shoplifter with the guys who got away by stealing a car, but the cops say they know who he is.


➢ Here’s a professor who got an awesome end-of-semester surprise from his students.  It was during an online class and he noticed their cameras were turned off.  He joked about it, and even thought it was his fault . . . but it wasn’t.

Finally, one student told everyone to turn their cameras on, and you see them all holding homemade signs of appreciation.  Stuff like, “Thanks for a great semester.”  “Thank you for making a difference every day.”  “We appreciate you Dr. Brown.”


➢ Back in April, a woman in San Diego named Kirstin Miceli and her family got themselves a cat.  It was a Siamese cat, and they named him Ghost.  But in September, Ghost disappeared.

The family put up posters and searched for Ghost but couldn’t find him.  Then, earlier this week, a friend of theirs spotted Ghost . . . in the window of a home around the corner.

Kirstin went to that neighbor’s house to ask for the cat back . . . but the neighbor said NO.  Quote, “He’s like, ‘Oh, that cat came here like months ago and we’re super attached to him and we’re not going to give him back.'”

So Kirstin called the cops.  But they say because Ghost wasn’t taken from Kirstin’s house, this was a civil property issue and not a criminal case.

Quote, “They’re saying it’s theirs now and finders keepers.  It’s like we’re in elementary school or something.”


➢ This Christmas, instead of watching the TV channel that shows the Yule log in a fireplace, watch a more appropriate scene for 2020 . . . a holiday DUMPSTER FIRE.

An ad agency in Edmonton, Alberta recorded an hour-long video of people throwing 2020-related items into a flaming dumpster, and you can watch it on YouTube.



➢ Smokey Robinson made a Cameo video wishing someone a Happy Hannukah.  But whoever requested it used the “C-h” spelling, because Smokey pronounced it “Chuh-NOO-kah”, and said he had no idea what it meant.


It made us think if Chef Nigella Lawson and how she says “microwave”




TODAY IS……………….

  • “International Tea Day”, observed annually since 2005 in tea producing countries like Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Vietnam, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Malaysia, Uganda, India, and Tanzania.


Here’s how to make the perfect cup of tea, according to food scientist Dr. Stuart Farrimond: First, use a mug or tea cup. None of this Styrofoam stuff, because it absorbs flavor. If you have the choice, use an orange or red mug. Psychologically, hot drinks taste sweeter in an orange or red cup. Use good quality water. Filter if necessary. Loose leaf tea gives more flavor than bags. Let it brew for five minutes, not two, as most people do. And add the milk after the tea.



1990 George Strait was at #1 with, “I’ve Come to Expect It from You”



Six Stats on How Our Pets Have Helped Us Through the Pandemic

Here are some quick stats on how our pets have helped us through this dumb, ridiculous year


  1. 86% of pet owners say their pets have provided them with some much-needed companionship in 2020.


  1. 1 in 3 people who took the poll got a new pet this year.  And 36% said it was to help avoid or deal with depression.


  1. 78% say their pets have helped with stress or anxiety.


  1. 75% said having a pet at home made them less bored, and helped with the monotony this year.


  1. 69% say their pets gave them an added sense of hope.


  1. When people were asked to name the top benefits of working from home, half said more time with their pets.  Only 36% said the same about more time with their family.




  1. When Oprahgave everyone in her audience a car back in 2004, they all ended up owing the IRS about $6,000 in taxes.


  1. Weird Al Yankovicstarted the Volcano Worshippers club at his high school in California.  He says they didn’t actually worship volcanoes, they just wanted to get another photo of themselves in the yearbook.


  1. John Wilkes Boothplanned on assassinating both Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant, but Grant decided not to go to the theater that night because his wife didn’t like Mary Todd Lincoln.


  1. The first-ever comic book convention was in New York in 1964.  And the very first person to buy a ticket was . . . 15-year-old George R.R. Martin, the author of the “Game of Thrones”books.



A bunch of people in Manchester, New Hampshire recently held a parade for a seven-year-old kid’s birthday.


So his mom paid it forward by going to a grocery store and buying $600 in groceries for random people.




[71] Don Johnson, actor (“Nash Bridges” 1996-2001, “Miami Vice” 1984-89)


[41] Adam Brody, actor (“Scream 4″, “The Ring”)/TV actor (“The OC” 2003-07)




Some deer just want to go to school. The principal of an Elementary School in New Jersey shared security camera footage of a deer repeatedly head-butting a window, seemingly trying to get inside the school. The deer was apparently mistaking its own reflection for a rival deer, and never is quite able to break through the glass. The deer left after a few minutes, and did not appear to be injured.



Some people make mistakes when drunk, but this is a particularly bad mistake. Russian media  reports a 25-year-old man in St. Petersburg tried to hit on a woman he saw on horseback, and when his advance was rejected he tried to kiss the horse, only for the animal to bite his nose off. The website says he insisted on doing so even though the woman warned him that the horse might bite. The man was taken to a hospital for his injury.


Reported burglary in California was a dozen fighting raccoons

Police in California responded to a report of a suspected burglary in progress and arrived to find the cause of the ruckus actually was caused by about a dozen brawling raccoons. The Police Department said two officers responded to after an employee called authorities to report a banging on the administration office door that sounded like a burglar attempting to break in. “Although mentally prepared to take action for an in-progress felony, the crime-fighting duo were surprised to find approximately one dozen raccoons in a physical altercation,” police said in a Facebook post. “When challenged, all but one fled westbound.” Police said they broke up the “raccoon invasion” successfully, and they left the scene.



There are lots of people who would love to be a little taller.


And there are plenty of guys who SAY they are a little taller than they are. Now, thanks to a sneaky new shoe, they actually can be. Pete Gibson says The Lad Lift was inspired by his desire to be a little taller, and now he has launched a Kickstarter campaign to manufacture his special elevation-extending footwear.


On the fundraising page, he says that Lad Lifts “increase your height and confidence in the time it takes to tie your laces.” The sneakers use what is called “invisible extra thick insole that adds 2.2 inches to your height”.


They are available in black or white, and ‘Shorty’ Gibson hopes to be able to ship them around the world from his UK home by March of next year.





  1. How do you score 5 points in 7 seconds?  The Baltimore Ravens did it last night on “Monday Night Football”, in their dramatic win against the Cleveland Browns.  The game was tied at 42.  The Ravens kicked a field goal with 7 seconds remaining.  (Play clip.)  But there were still 2 seconds left on the clock, so the Browns tried to lateral down the field, which backfired when they got forced backwards, out of the back of the end zone, for a 2-point safety.

Final Score:  Baltimore 47 – Cleveland 42.  


  1. A simple act to “pay it forward” at a Dairy Queen drive-thru triggered a chain reactionthat lasted for two and a half days with over 900 cars.  (Here’s the Store Manager Tina Jensen.)


  1. Someone in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania lefta bartender a $500 tip right before new lockdown restrictions hit this weekend.


  1. Here are more of the twisted thoughts of comedian Mitch Hedberg, including why being bumped off a late night show was a cool thing.




Carrie Underwood never doubted she could balance a career and a family.  Here she is talking about her resolve to make it happen.



Before Blake Shelton proposed to Gwen Stefani, he had hidden her ring in his truck. In an interview posted on People.com, Blake said, “To be honest with you, and this is scary…. I had the ring in the compartment on my door of my truck for about a week. When I was digging in there looking for a flashlight or change, I kept thinking, ‘Man, somebody’s gonna hit the jackpot whenever I drop this thing out of my truck.’”

Blake said he wanted to keep it there until the time was exactly right to pop the question. And he finally did while they were at his ranch in Tishomingo, Oklahoma.

Recently Blake said that he wants his longtime friend and former Voice coach Adam Levine to sing at their wedding.



How a Garth Brooks Song is Helping Kelly Clarkson Cope with Her Divorce

KELLY CLARKSON has been going through a lot during her divorce from Brandon Blackstock . . . and it all came pouring out on her show when GARTH BROOKS started performing “The Dance”.

Quote, “I’m going through a divorce and there’s been a lot of books, and people give you stuff to help [but] there’s shame and guilt, and I was working through it.  I couldn’t quite nail down the feeling.  So I was listening to my playlist and ‘The Dance’ came on.

“I was like, ‘No, that’s the thing.  That’s it.'”

She was so emotional Garth stopped singing so she could pull it together.

 (You can listen to the exchange where Garth starts singing “The Dance”, here . . . and Kelly talking about the song’s inspiration, here.)




Dan + Shay are scheduled to make a special holiday appearance on The Voice TONIGHT on NBC.

Fans will get a chance to tune in for another performance of their original holiday song “Take Me Home For Christmas.”





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