Help For A Veteran

By: Dave Palmer


CK Mornings

Two famous Newfoundlanders stepped in to help an elderly veteran whose guitar went missing earlier this month. Edward Sheppard, 82, was devastated after his guitar — a gift from his late wife — was stolen from his home in Stephenville Crossing, N.L

His daughter says “She saved for years, she rolled a lot of change to save it. And when she had enough, I helped her out and we went and got dad a guitar. It wasn’t fancy, but it was all she could afford.”

After Edward’s story received media attention, comedian Mark Critch send out a tweet on Friday asking if his any of musician friends had a guitar they could spare for him.

Musician Alan Doyle, stepped up and he hand-delivered the guitar to Sheppard, who was staying at his son’s home in St. John’s.

The two had an impromptu jam session, and Doyle tweeted out a short video of Edward playing the new guitar and whistling.


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