Chip Bag Blankets And A Child Saved A Child

By: Dave Palmer


Good News

By turning discarded chip bags into blankets, a 12-year-old girl in Wales is helping both people in need and the environment. In the last year, Alyssa has collected almost 10,000 chip bags to make 200 blankets. She says it takes about an hour to finish a blanket. 

How?  “Each packet has to be opened out so it’s flat and then washed…Then you take 4 of them, put them under a piece of baking paper, and iron them together…Finally, you sandwich the … packets between 2 sheets of clear plastic, and you use the iron again to seal that in place.” Chip bags aren’t easy to recycle, so Alyssa is happy to have found another use for them while helping others. 

She and her mom give the blankets — along with gloves, socks, toothpaste, and other essentials — to local organizations that distribute them to the homeless. Alyssa says of the waterproof blankets: “When you put the blanket around your body, the heat reflects back off the silver part of the packet.”



A nine-year-old in Wisconsin named Essence Collier did the Heimlich maneuver on a friend at school earlier

 this month, and saved their life.  They were choking on a Cheeto.  She says she saw it in a YouTube video two years ago.


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