Lost Senior Dog Found And 19yr Old Saves A Toddler

By: Dave Palmer


Good News

A 13-year-old Missouri dog was miraculously found in the Berome Moore Cave as a family was hiking.

Jeff Bohnert had contacted friends and authorities when his dog went missing two months ago. Because of the dog’s age, Bohnert feared the worst. Then he saw a photo of the dog found in the cave, and recognized it as his poodle-hound mix Abby.

Bohnert suspects she got stuck in the cave after falling into a sinkhole. Abby is in good condition, has been gaining weight, and has started barking and wagging her tail again.

A 19-year-old near Boston named Savennah Mendes-Rodrigues was at home studying when she heard yelling outside.  It turned out a two-year-old had just been pulled from a pool, and he wasn’t breathing.

But luckily, Savennah is CPR certified.  So she did chest compressions until paramedics got there.  The kid made it, and he’s doing fine.


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