Hair Braiding Classes For Guys And Police Save A Family

By: Dave Palmer


Good News


A hair-braiding class for guys? Why not? Annis Waugh owns Braid Maidens in St. Albans, England, and as part of a fundraiser for a local school, she set up workshops for parents. 

After realizing she never had a man enroll in any of her hair-braiding classes, she designed a course called “Beers and Braids” to appeal to dads. 

The class sold out, with dozens of fathers signing up for the waiting list. Waugh taught the dads about hair textures and types, and demonstrated brushing and braiding techniques. The men practiced on plastic heads, and “were super engaged and really enthusiastic learners,” according to Waugh. One father says he signed up so he could help his daughters get ready for school, because “It shouldn’t just be one gender doing stuff like this. The more we do and share the load, the better it is for my daughters.”


And finally:  Police in Indiana saved a woman and multiple kids from a house fire the other day.  Their only way out was to jump from a second-story window, and the cops caught them.


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