Good News: Baseball, Love Letters, And Free Rooms

By: Dave Palmer


Good News


  1. The Iowa Cubsare the Chicago Cubs’ Triple-A team, and changed ownership.  So the outgoing owner decided to do something big to thank his staff.  His name is Michael Gartner, and he’s 83.  When the pandemic hit, he refused to lay people off.  He’s just kept paying all 23 full-time employees.  So they loved him already.

Now they have a new boss.  But Michael thought they deserved some of the proceeds from the sale before he left.  So on his last day, he gave every employee $2,000 for EACH YEAR they’ve worked there.  Everyone got a check, including the janitor.  One person who’s been with the team for 35 years got a check for 70 grand.


  1. A woman in Sudbury, Ontario recently lost a box of her grandparents’ old love letterswhen a relative drove off while they were on top of his truck.  But a random guy found them on the road and tracked her down.  

And here’s the best part:  He recognized a family name from one of the letters, and they realized the two of them are third cousins.

  1. 3.  The Lincoln Tunnel Motelis a dumpy place in Jersey, right outside New York.  It’s in the news, because the owner’s son recently took over, and he’s been giving free rooms to people who can’t afford a place to stay.  His name is Brian Arya.  He also runs a popular TikTok channel called LTMotel.  And check out how humble he is . . .

Here is Brian Arya, the owner of North Bergen’s Lincoln Tunnel Motel, taking to TikTok about the conflicting feelings he has with all of the attention he’s been getting for doing this good deed.  (He explains that one of his bucket list items was being on the radio.)

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