Luke Combs Shares Proposal Story

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Are you interested in a proposal story that involves cat pee, a panic attack, and hot ears?

Good, because it’s the story of when Luke Combs popped the question to his now-fiancée Nicole Hocking back in 2018.

They talked about it on the “Couple Things” podcast hosted by former Olympic gymnast Shawn Johnson, and her husband Andrew East.

First of all, Luke made the mistake of deciding to do it on the night they moved into their new house. Somehow, he didn’t anticipate that they’d be tired, cranky, and surrounded by a chaotic mess of boxes and stuff everywhere. His plan was to put the engagement ring on a new collar he bought for Nicole’s cat. It always jumps on her lap, so she’d see it then. But it had a panic attack in the move and kept peeing itself. Both of their cats had to be sequestered in the shower.

You might be thinking, he could just delay it, right? Well, he couldn’t. She was picking up her parents at the airport the next morning, and they already KNEW about the proposal. They’d be yelling “congratulations” as soon as they saw her.

So in the middle of all this madness, he decided to just suck it up and ask her.

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