Garth Brooks Loves Going Grocery Shopping

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Garth Brooks could ride our the quarantine out in his basement, or some top-secret location, but that’s not his style.

He’s been the one venturing out to pick up groceries for the family, and he loves it.

He talked about it on Monday’s episode of “Inside Studio G.”

“I can’t tell you how much I love going to the grocery store. Now they have aisles that go one way, and X’s on other [aisles] so people don’t have to cross each other. They have the lines, of course, at the checkout. Everybody’s so sweet. They have stickers there saying, ‘Don’t take two or more of this.’ Just beautiful stuff. And everybody’s being really sweet. Lucky to live in the neighbourhood we are, but I have a feeling there are a lot of neighbourhoods like this all over the U.S.”

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